Our Services
Raise Capital
Need to secure outside capital to grow the business?
Can the business raise debt? At what terms and cost?
Or, is equity the only alternative? Who are the right targets - angels or venture capital?
Create the materials and follow a process to enable success in fundraising.
Build a Financial Model
Forecasting does not have to be stressful.
Identify the key drivers of the business.
Build a versatile, interactive financial model with clear assumptions.
Run different scenarios and understand capital needs.
Prepare for a Transaction
Are you ready to sell the business?
Is there an opportunity to grow through buying a competitor?
Prepare for the M&A process: (i) Craft and articulate your vision for the future; (ii) Build a financial model; (iii) Populate a data room; (iv) Prepare for due diligence.
Upgrade Financial Processes
Gain insights on business performance and benchmark performance against peers.
Upgrade your chart of account to confirm with industry standards.
Create the appropriate weekly and monthly reports.
Track and measure your go-to-market metrics.
Create an Annual Plan
Align the entire team (employees and investors) behind your vision.
Set financials goals for the organization and each functional group.
Ensure that the targets are ambitious enough to motivate people and realistic enough to be achievable, albeit challenging.
Create operating metrics to measure progress.
Work with a Business Coach
Access a strategic business partner to bounce ideas off.
Bring in an experienced executive to mentor and up-level for finance and people operations functions.
Help with communicating effectively with employees and investors.
Figure out how best to prioritize initiatives.
The Process: Engaging with Us
60 Minutes
Introductory Call
Business Overview
Goals and Challenges
Needs -
Execute Mutual NDA
Ensure confidentiality -
Information Request List
From Banyan to Company -
Scope of Work & Fee Proposal
From Banyan to Company -
60 Minutes
Refine Scope of Work and Sign Engagement Letter
Integrate Banyan into your Team
Systems Access
References available on request.
Business Model Expertise
B2B SaaS
Operating experience: Smartling, The Muse
Consulting/Coaching experience: cmdSecurity, TimebyPing, DeepDyve, Brightflag, XGenesis
B2C Subscription
Operating experience: Rhapsody/Napster
Consulting/Coaching experience: DeepDyve
E-Commerce / Product
Operating experience: The Muse
Consulting/Coaching experience: Haute Hijab
Operating experience: Smartling
Consulting/Coaching experience: Minibar